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Book counselling for help with a professional therapist in minutes. To start therapy, simply choose from our professional psychologists, counsellors and psychotherapists to talk to below.
Chassi Jensen
I offer psychotherapy services to adults. I specialize in working with people suffering from anxiety, OCD, depression, and the impact of trauma and grief. I enjoy helping my clients better understand and cope with their emotions, as well as strengthening their ability to identify interpersonal patterns and improve their relationships.
You have a hard time asking for help. Everyone else's needs usually come first. Worried thoughts replay themselves in your head all of the time. Making the outside look good is easy. Inside it feels like parts of you are trapped in the past. You grew up with a parent who struggled with workaholism, addiction and/or mental illness. You want to move on from those bad experiences, but you feel stuck. The coping tools you learned in childhood to keep yourself safe and afloat are starting to rust. It’s time for new skills to add to your self-care toolbox.